Cobalt Blue Deep
The darker red shade of its sister pigment Cobalt Blue. It was discovered in 1802 by French chemist Louis Thénard as an alternative pigment to the expensive lapis lazuli pigment.
About Winsor & Newton Artists' Oils
Formulated with the finest pigments for beautiful colours with excellent tinting strength; use thickly or thin to a very fine glaze.
Why single pigment colours?
We craft our colours from single pigments wherever possible to create individual colours; this ensures clean, accurate mixing. There are more than 80 single pigment colours in the range, so you can mix new variations with confidence.
Consistent production, reliable results
Our perfectly formulated oil paint is only possible because it holds over 190 years of research, expertise, and the highest quality production methods. The scientific processes we follow guarantees that every colour will be the same high-quality paint every time.
It’s all in the ratio
Every tube of Artists’ Oil Paint contains a calculated ratio of oil and pigment based on the quantity of oil in the tube. This varies from colour to colour because, just as some pigments need to be ground finer than others, they also need more, or less, oil to provide optimal performance.
Lightfast and permanent
Paintings last well beyond our lifetime if the materials you choose allow for that. Years from now, for your work to be seen as you intend it to be, your materials need to be lightfast (not fade from exposure to light) and permanent (not change over time). So that you can trust in the longevity of your work, our oil colours are tested for these qualities and have some of the best ratings (at least AA or A).